Copywriter lydia

Copywriter lydia

Salario por hora: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad para viajar: A petición

Situación profesional: Trabajador independiente

Última actualización: 25 may. 2024

Experiencia laboral total:

Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés,

Resumen personal

I have been in the field of procurement for 15 years but my interest and passion ever since was in school was writing. This made me change my career to become a copy writer in the later years of my work.The work I had really admired ever since I was a child. This is proved by the fact that after my fourth form,I wrote a book by the name "Disturbed"

Conocimientos lingüísticos


Conocimientos fluidos