Resultados de la búsqueda
Hemos encontrado 44 freelancers para la categoría PHP
Java PHP SQL 3
C, C++, Python, core Java, machine learning, SQL, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP 2
PHP 15 SEO / SEM 10 WordPress 10 Wordpress 10
PHP 2 WordPress 6 jQuery 2 Ajax 2 SSL / TLS 2 SEO / SEM 3
PHP 13 Symfony (Framework) 6 Vue.js 1 Representational State Transfer (REST) 6 JavaScript 5 PostgreSQL 3 MariaDB 3 Code review 3 Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass) 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 6
Software Architect
I'm a software architect specialized in the development of web platforms. In the last 15 years, I've been working on a web platform with heterogeneous environments building own private cloud space...
Java 10 PHP 15 RDB / RDBMS 15 Web development 15 HTML 15 JavaScript 15
Angelica Solis
Alto sentido de responsabilidad, disposición y experiencia en el trabajo en equipo, búsqueda continua de la excelencia, facilidad de liderazgo para la organización de eventos, facilidad para el...
PHP 2 HTML5 2 JavaScript 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1
Vesterli Andrei (Drupal Developer)
Hi all. My name is Andrei and I have been a Drupal developer for more than 12 years and I still love it. I can handle tasks of any complexity and variety. I can be a good fit for you if you hire me.
PHP 12 Drupal 12 mySQL 12 HTML 12 JavaScript 12 React (JavaScript library) 2