Cooling and heating installation engineer

Cooling and heating installation engineer

Salario por hora: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad para viajar: En todo el mundo

Situación profesional: Empresario

Última actualización: 19 feb. 2024

Experiencia laboral total: 1 año(s)

Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés, Persa, Turco, Kurdo,

Resumen personal

I am a mechanical engineer in the field of cooling and heating installations of buildings and industrial equipment. After completing my education, I worked in different departments in the engineering department and gained experience and skills in all related fields, and now I have various skills that include the following. co2 welding, electric arc - design and implementation of 3-phase electricity - design - implementation of floor heating - radiator system - design and implementation of CNG and LPG gases under one load - fan coil and hot water boiler installation and repair - domestic water heater and domestic hot water pagings - split and absorption and compression systems Household_Industrial cooling packages. Also, I love my work and I am ready to work with professional and experienced people and regular companies with my talents on an employment basis or on a work tour anywhere in the world.

Conocimientos lingüísticos




Hablante nativo



