Top Notch Executive Assistant/Office Manager
Salario por hora: sólo para miembros
Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros
Disponibilidad para viajar: A petición
Situación profesional: Trabajador independiente
Última actualización: 26 jun. 2024
Experiencia laboral total:
Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés,
Resumen personal
Upon reviewing my resume you will find a polished and professional individual with time management and successful relationship building skills. I was recognized with a Trailblazer Award for my performance. You will find that I truly enjoy working with a diverse team of people in a fast-paced environment. I thrive in an atmosphere of multiple tasks as demonstrated by my ability to balance a full schedule and maintain a high Quality Assurance rating. I am a forward thinker and I strive to meet personal goals within each additional task. Kerri J. Lehman
Office management / secreteriat18 Accounts payable accounting16 Office organisation16 Travel management16 Purchasing16 Event Planning18Conocimientos lingüísticos
Hablante nativo