Graphic designer

Graphic designer

Salario por hora: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad para viajar: En casa

Situación profesional: Trabajador independiente

Última actualización: 29 nov. 2024

Experiencia laboral total:

Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés,

Resumen personal

I am a highly skilled graphic designer and logo creator with extensive experience in delivering visually compelling and memorable designs. My expertise spans a wide range of graphic design disciplines, allowing me to craft unique and impactful logos that capture the essence of your brand. In addition to my design capabilities, I possess exceptional proficiency in translation and writing. My ability to convey complex ideas clearly and creatively in multiple languages ensures that your message resonates with diverse audiences. I excel in producing high-quality written content that is both engaging and informative. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, I strive to provide services that not only meet but exceed client expectations. Whether it's designing a logo that stands out or translating and writing content that captivates, I am dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.


Graphic design3

Conocimientos lingüísticos


Conocimientos fluidos