Jane Rose Porter
Salario por hora: sólo para miembros
Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros
Disponibilidad para viajar: Dentro de USA
Situación profesional: Trabajador independiente
Última actualización: 11 dic. 2024
Experiencia laboral total:
Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés,
Resumen personal
Hi, I’m Jane Rose Porter, a freelance content writer, blogger, ghost writer and an editor, based in Brooklyn, New York. I started writing professionally in 2006. I write about people, companies, and ideas. I write about successful leaders and the disenfranchised, about artists, activists, academics and innovators. I write about technology, psychology, neuroscience, health, creativity and leadership. I write short. I write long entries. I write for children and adults. I write journalism. I write fiction. The common denominator: I'm a storyteller. Regardless of the topic I've been tasked or given myself to tackle, my goal is always to reach the beating heart of the matter. And it's been working. I live off my words. Literally, my words pay my bills. But they also help me tell the stories that often go untold, to connect with people, and connect people with each other.
Conocimientos lingüísticos
Hablante nativo