Certified Social Media Assistant

Certified Social Media Assistant

Salario por hora: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad para viajar: En todo el mundo

Situación profesional: Empleado

Última actualización: 18 dic. 2024

Experiencia laboral total:

Conocimientos lingüísticos: Francés,

Resumen personal

I have been buying and selling Bitcoin for people around the world for a year now. I have been a remote receptionist and personal assistant for the last 2 years contacting and having my job sent to me by text email or some other platform. I I'm very dependable and reliable, I take care of my tasks in a timely manner exceptional organizational skills, I am a great listener, I have great ideas to help better products and Company appearance and reference on social media accounts, I take my work very seriously and do it to the best of my abilities you will definitely not be disappointed.

Conocimientos lingüísticos


Hablante nativo