Computer Expert
Salario por hora: sólo para miembros
Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros
Disponibilidad para viajar: En todo el mundo
Situación profesional: Estudiante
Última actualización: 13 dic. 2024
Experiencia laboral total:
Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés,
Resumen personal
I have been a computer Expert ever since I was in high school.The moment I realized that computer was my passionate subject and course study I increased my chances in studying it and getting in tact in working to know more.I have ever been a computer teacher at my previous secondary school and my students really passed, furthermore I have ever runned a cyber where client with various desires come to seek assistant.I thereby fully believe I can produce the best in any sector related with computer science and information technology.
Software design5Conocimientos lingüísticos