Customer Service

Customer Service

Salario por hora: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad: sólo para miembros

Disponibilidad para viajar: En casa

Situación profesional: Trabajador independiente

Última actualización: 29 nov. 2024

Experiencia laboral total:

Conocimientos lingüísticos: Inglés,

Resumen personal

I've been a locksmith since 1975. I started in a family business learning how to find the key when the customer came in. As I learned each step, taught to me by my father. I would go to the next step. In the process of making a key correctly that works the first time For almost 50 years, I've only had 4 keys. It didn't work the first time after cutting them on the key machine. I love my job.

Conocimientos lingüísticos


Hablante nativo