We empower highly qualified freelancers to work independently and successfully.

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Our Mission

On our growing digital platform, highly qualified freelancers find challenging projects from companies and personnel service providers quickly and directly.
The core of our digital platform, freelance.jobs, is the intelligent networking of freelancers and projects based on qualified information.
As a leading platform and partner for freelancers, we positively shape the new world of work by enabling freelancers to work successfully and independently through our services.
Companies gain simple, transparent, and flexible access to experts for innovation and growth projects through our services.

Success Story

freelance.jobs was founded in 2023 and is part of the freelance group . As a successful entrepreneur and managing director of a SAP consulting company, Simon Gravel was looking for freelance consultants in 2006. However, finding the right freelancers through traditional job advertisements proved difficult and required significant effort.Simon quickly founded a platform that allows companies to post projects online, which freelancers can then apply for.On April 19, 2007, freelance.de was born, quickly becoming Germany's most successful digital platform and hub for freelancers and companies. Later, freelance expanded to several other countries to form the group we know today.


Creation of the first platform : freelance.deHiring the first employees.

Join Our Team

We are united by the tireless effort to offer every customer the right service. We combine success with fun at work, support each other, grow together, and celebrate our successes together.

freelance international